Achievement Guidelines

An effective learning environment requires a cooperative community in which students are held to a consistent standard of behavior. Students are required to follow the PBIS expectations of being respectful, being responsible, and being proud in their Encore classrooms.

In Encore, BEING RESPECTFUL means:

1. Demonstrating respect for the instructor and other students.
2. Demonstrating respect for safety rules and equipment.
3. Being a good listener and using appropriate language/voice.
4. Respecting others’ opinions, space, and property.


1. Arriving to Encore classes on time and in a quiet, orderly fashion.
2. Bringing required materials.
3. Keeping all property and equipment in designated areas.
4. Being on task and ready to participate.
5. Cleaning up after yourself.
6. Submitting assignments by due date for full credit.*

In Encore, BEING PROUD means:

1. Doing your best and taking pride in your work.
2. Being positive and praising others.
3. Taking care of the classroom by keeping food, drink, gum and candy outside of class. Students may drink water if appropriate.

*Assignments must be turned in on time in order to receive full credit. An assignment that is late may be accepted for partial credit only. Students with excused absences from school must follow school policy on homework as detailed in the Student Assignment Notebook.

By not following the above guidelines, students undermine both their ability to succeed and the school community as a whole. With this in mind, students choosing to break a guideline will earn the following consequences:

Step 1. Student Conference (certain student behaviors may bypass steps)**
Step 2. Parent Contact (phone call or email)
Step 3. 30 Minute Detention
Step 4. 1 Hour Detention
Step 5. Office Referral

**These steps are in place to work with and correct student behaviors