Mr. Bryen Travis » Spring Musical

Spring Musical




Grease will be the musical production for the spring of 2025.   Auditions will take place beginning in January, 2025.

Students must purchase their script for $10 using the links above.  Scripts and accompanying music are available from Mr. Travis.

Auditions are only required of students interested in a solo character part in Grease.  Choir members who do not audition will be assigned a chorus part in the production.  Students not currently in the choir will need to complete a permission form and pay the $25.00 activity fee to participate after casting is completed on February 3, 2025 but before February 27, 2025.  Permission forms are available from Mr. Travis.  

Auditions: Friday, January 10 – Friday, January 24, sign-up at music room 

Call backs: Monday, January 27 – Friday, January 31 (posted Sunday, January 26)

Results posted online: Sunday, February 2 – results posted at night

Rehearsals: February 3 – April 25 – A schedule will be provided.
• 7th and 8th graders rehearse on Tues and Thurs, 7:10 AM.
• 6th graders rehearse on Mondays and Wednesdays, 7:10 AM.
• Choreography rehearsals will take place during a few Mondays - Thursdays, 3-4 PM.

Dress rehearsals: Saturday, April 19, 8 am - 2 PM, and Saturday, April 26, 8 am  2 PM


Performances: Friday, May 2 & Saturday, May 3, 7 PM

Check out our past performances:

Shrek was the musical production for the spring of 2024.   Auditions took place beginning in January, 2024.

Students must purchase their script for $10 using the links above.  Scripts and accompanying music are available from Mr. Travis.

Auditions are only required of students interested in a solo character part in Shrek.  Choir members who do not audition will be assigned a chorus part in the production.  Students not currently in the choir will need to complete a permission form and pay the $25.00 activity fee to participate after casting is completed on February 5, 2024 but before February 23, 2024.  Permission forms are available from Mr. Travis.  

Auditions: Friday, January 12 – Friday, January 26, sign-up at music room 

Call backs: Monday, January 29 – Friday, February 2 (posted Sunday, January 28)

Results posted online: Sunday, February 4 – results posted at night

Rehearsals: February 5 – April 19 – A schedule will be provided.
• 7th and 8th graders rehearse on Tues and Thurs, 7:10 AM.
• 6th graders rehearse on Mondays and Wednesdays, 7:10 AM.
• Choreography rehearsals will take place during a few days, 3-4 PM.

Dress rehearsals: Saturday, April 13, 8 am - 2 PM, and Saturday, April 20, 8 am  2 PM


Performances: Friday, April 26 & Saturday, April 27, 7 PM

Fiddler on the Roof will be the musical production for the spring of 2023.   Auditions will take place beginning in January, 2023.

Students must purchase their script for $10 using the links above.  Scripts and accompanying music are available from Mr. Travis.

Auditions are only required of students interested in a solo character part in Fiddler on the Roof.  Choir members who do not audition will be assigned a chorus part in the production.  Students not currently in the choir will need to complete a permission form and pay the $25.00 activity fee to participate after casting is completed on February 6, 2023 but before February 24, 2023.  Permission forms are available from Mr. Travis.  

Auditions: Friday, January 13 – Friday, January 27, sign-up at music room 

Call backs: Monday, January 30 – Friday, February 3 (posted Sunday, January 29)

Results posted online: Sunday, February 5 – results posted at night

Rehearsals: February 6 – April 21 – A schedule will be provided.
• 7th and 8th graders rehearse on Tues and Thurs, 7:10 AM.
• 6th graders rehearse on Mondays and Wednesdays, 7:10 AM.
• Choreography rehearsals will take place during a few Mondays - Thurdays, 3-4 PM.

Dress rehearsals: Saturday, April 15, 8 am - 2 PM, and Saturday, April 22, 8 am  2 PM


Performances: Friday, April 28 & Saturday, April 29, 7 PM

2016 Spring Musical
Lion King

The Choral Department at Peacock Middle School, Itasca School District #10, performed The Lion King on Friday, April 29 and Saturday, April 30, 2016 in the Peacock gymnasium. Auditions were held in January, 2016. Production work began in February, 2016.



Choreography Rehearsal Videos

2013 Spring Musical

Guys and Dolls
2010 Spring Musical

2009 The King and I

King and I
2008 Spring Musical

High School Musical

High School Musical Pictures
2007 Spring Musical
Beauty and the Beast
2002 Spring Musical
The Music Man
2001 Spring Musical

Bye Bye Birdie
2000 Spring Musical

1999 Spring Musical

Guys and Dolls

Guys and Dolls Pictures
1998 Spring Musical


1997 Spring Musical

The Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz Pictures

Eighth Grade Drama Elective
2001 Eighth Grade Elective Musical

Bugsy Malone
2000 Eighth Grade Elective Musical

South Pacific
1999 Eighth Grade Elective Musical

West Side Story
1998 Eighth Grade Elective Musical

1996 Eighth Grade Elective Musical
